
Dear Reader,

The posts you will find herein are my musings about faith and life and a vocation that challenges and excites me.  I find myself caught up as one born in an “in-between” time – and can identify with those of two generations.  No matter the time of my birth, there is one affirmation that remains constant.

“I am a child of God” is one of my earliest affirmations.  What this means is that I cannot recall a time in my life when I was not aware that God and a community of faith had a claim on me. There was a community who surrounded me and formed me as a person in and of faith.  There were times when I questioned…but God has never abandoned me.

I write these entries as a means of expression – as a journal for sharing my faith in God; as a platform for expressing my opinions on the issues of the day; and as a lectern for instruction and encouragement to any who might seek it.  I invite you to read and comment as you feel led.

I write from the perspective of a Presbytery Executive within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) where generational shifts and the resulting tensions are taking place.  How will we engage as a missional church?  Does our future include dying to Christ so that we might be resurrected to new life?  How can our churches live into the commandment to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength” and “to love your neighbor as yourself.”

Join me in exploring what it means to be a person of faith amid the tensions of this age.

Thanks be to God!

One thought on “About

  1. Edward, if you feel caught between two generations, you might like to see what goes on at San Gabriel Presbyterian Church in Georgetown, Texas. It is on Facebook.

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