Campfire stories

One of the traditions of camp is the nightly campfire. I imagine that when we gather at campfire we continue a primitive yet vital tradition that includes storytelling. Some campfire stories are tales of ghosts or crazed murderers lurking in the trees. Other stories recount the history of a family passing along and through time. There are stories that are quite humorous and some that will bring a tear to the eye. Yet in every story there is an opportunity to learn. Continue reading

Where did you go?

I have a confession to make. Its not really a confession of a deep, dark secret but more of an admission that some of you already know. My confession is that I haven’t been writing on this site as often as I did and even as often as I’d like. Having made my confession I feel relieved.

As I return to writing, I thought I’d share a brief summary of what has happened in our family since my last post. Continue reading