A view from the back of the room

The 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has ended and a time of decompression for those who attended has begun. The first week after General Assembly ends is oftentimes an opportunity to reconnect with those we left behind at home. It is time to reflect upon a week that some will call historic and others have decried as another moment of our denomination’s decline and demise. This post skirts the in-depth analysis of the major issues to give you the perspective of someone who sat at the back of the room – a Presbytery Executive. Continue reading

Same-sex marriage: what Presbyterians did today

I am attending the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church(USA) in Detroit. The theme for this meeting is “Abound in Hope” which is a call for both this city of Detroit and the Presbyterian Church.  We are, in several ways, on parallel tracks as the city rebuilds itself and the denomination seeks to restore itself.  The following article is a sharing of my reflections and thoughts about this event and the business that has taken place.

Commissioners and Advisory Delegates to the 221st General Assembly in Detroit voted today (June 19) on two significant measures regarding marriage. Continue reading

One month to go…

We are exactly one month from the start of the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Detroit. While much prayer has already been shared for this important event, I invite you and the congregations of the Presbytery of Boise to join with me in prayer for the next 30 days.

I invite you to be in prayer for commissioners and particularly for Daryl Wilson, Karen Alldredge and Jonathan Toth who are the commissioners/young adult advisory delegate from Boise Presbytery. I have created a suggested list for you to offer prayers for the plenary and for the committees and leaders of this Assembly.

May 13: For General Assembly meeting staff as they make final preparation for the Assembly
May 14: For the Committee on Local Arrangements from Detroit Presbytery who are excited that we will visit and eager to help those who attend GA
May 15: For the members of the Bills and Overtures Committee who oversee and coordinate the action items
May 16: For the members of the General Assembly Procedures Committee who will consider items affecting future meetings of the Assembly.
May 17: For the current Moderator of the General Assembly, Neal Presa who is finishing his term.
May 18: For the members of the Middle East Issues Committee whose work will include conversation about Israel and Palestine.
May 19: For the members of the Mid Council Issues Committee who will consider matters affecting the future organization of synods.
May 20: For the Vice Moderator, Tom Trinidad, who is completing his term of service.
May 21: For the members of the Church Polity and Ordered Ministry Committee whose work is to discern how our church governs its life.
May 22: For the members of the Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee who will hear from and discuss how our denomination is and can be in relationship with others.
May 23: For the Stated Clerk, Gradye Parsons, who will guide the deliberations “decently and in order” at plenary
May 24: For the members of the Mission Coordination Committee who will meet often to consider how we can effectively engage in mission.
May 25: For the members of the Social Justice Issues Committee who discern how the gospel calls us to care for others in the world.
May 26: For the Mid Council staff from the Synods and Presbyteries who will provide support to commissioners and committees.
May 27: For the members of the Civil Union and Marriage Issues Committee whose work will impact many lives.
May 28: For the members of the Peacemaking and International Issues Committee who will call us to be peacemakers and neighbors to the world.
May 29: For Daryl Wilson and Karen Alldredge who will represent our presbytery as Teaching Elder and Ruling Elder Commissioners.
May 30: For members of the Board of Pensions, Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and Foundation Committee as they offer recommendations on the financial and educational work of the church.
May 31: For the members of the Theological Issue and Institutions and Christian Education Committee who will hear from our seminaries and colleges.
June 1: For Jonathan Toth and the other Young Adult Advisory Delegates who will offer important advice and leadership to the Assembly.
June 2: For members of the Congregational Vitality Committee who will share ways in which the church, national and local, can be transformed for ministry in the 21st century.
June 3: For members of the Immigration and Environmental Issues Committee who will consider matters about the future of our planet.
June 4: For the new Moderator of the General Assembly
June 5: For the staff of the hotels where attendees will stay
June 6: For the city of Detroit as it welcomes the Presbyterian Church
June 7: For those who will attend General Assembly from our presbytery in support roles: Pam Peterson, Marci Glass, Mathew Eardley
June 8: For the Holy Spirit to inspire and renew our congregations and denomination.
June 9: For the presbytery leadership: Edward and Ruth
June 10: For the new Vice Moderator of the General Assembly
June 11: For the work the Assembly as it meets in plenary.
June 12: For safe travel for all who will participate in the Assembly.

While this list is prepared and specific to the presbytery I serve, I invite you to expand the list to pray for those you know and even those you don’t know who will be attending General Assembly this summer.